Shimadzu Corporation

Microchip Electrophoresis System for DNA/RNA Analysis | MCE™-202 MultiNA

MCE-202 Microchip Electrophoresis System for DNA/RNA Analysis, Shimadzu's world-renowned microchip technology is used, this new electrophoresis analysis platform offers an alternative to agarose gel electrophoresis.

This system is used to analyze the size of DNA/RNA samples with appropriate analytical operability. It achieves the same analysis costs as agarose gel electrophoresis and can perform fully automated analysis of up to 108 samples. Using optimized reagent kits (four types for DNA analysis and one type for RNA analysis), the system provides high resolution and high sensitivity. It can significantly improve the workflow for mutation controls in genome editing and genotype determination.

Solution to Your Frustration with Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

The combination of Shimadzu microchip technology and automated analysis technology enables analysis that is cheaper,faster,more sensitive and more accurate than agarose gel elecrtrophoresis analysis.

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Lower Analysis Costs

A sophisticated reusable microchip achieves lower running costs for consumables per analysis than agarose gel electrophoresis.

Automated Analysis of Up to 108 Loaded Samples

Reusable microchips and selecting the optimal reagent for each sample achieves excellent analytical performance. High-speed automatic operation for up to 120 analyses (An analysis schedule can include up to 120 samples while the instrument can accept a maximum of 108 samples (96 + 12 extra).) - Approx. 80 seconds/analysis processing speed

High Sensitivity Detection

This instrument is equipped with a LED-excited fluorescence detector. It's more than 10 times as sensitive as ethidium bromide staining.

High Resolution and High Reproducibility

Select the optimal separation buffer that suits the sample. Simultaneous electrophoresis of an internal marker ensures high analysis reliability and reproducibility.

Operation of the Technology

  • Operation of the Microchip Electrophoresis System MCE®-202 MultiNA is completely different from that using manually-intensive agarose gel electrophoresis as well as the disposable microchip electrophoresis systems, taking full advantage of automated analysis features in the pursuit of ease of use.
  • Size markers automatically correct electrophoresis results for automatic size prediction and quantitation. Moreover users can perform either automatic or manual reanalysis of their data. Even if analysis of all samples is not yet finished, analysis results of completed samples can be confirmed.
  • Confirm current operating conditions with a quick glance at the software’s well status display, analysis schedule list, and chip status display. The separation electropherogram is displayed in real time of the analysis.
  • Extensive operation and maintenance functions are provided, including analysis performance check functions.
  • User-friendly data processing functions handle importing sample sheets and exporting analysis data in CSV format.


Start Analysis in Just Three Steps

Extremely simple operation. Once the analysis schedule has been created, simply load the samples and reagents and click the Start button.

1. Register the analysis schedule.*
* A single analysis schedule permits analysis using multiple reagent kits.

2.Load the samples and reagents.

3. Press the Start button.


Application Analysis using the MCE™-202

Shimadzu's BioMEMS microchip technology not only enables high-speed analysis, but also achieves high separation performance and reproducibility. Our newly developed separation buffer, analytical method and automation technology overcome the shortness of the effective separation length. Shown below are examples that demonstrate the enhanced analytical performance.

Analysis Using DNA-500/1000/2500/12000 Kit Electrophoretic separation correction and generation of the size calibration curve are conducted automatically with the ladder and 2 internal standard markers (LM and UM in the figure). *Red: DNA ladder


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