Biosafety Cabinets

Biological Safety Cabinets and Laminar Flow (LAF) Cabinets

Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs):

  • Biological safety cabinets are specialized equipment designed to protect personnel and the environment from microbial hazards.
  • They are used when working with samples containing pathogens that could be transmitted via respiratory or skin contact.
  • Generally classified into three classes: Class I, Class II, and Class III. Each class provides different levels of protection depending on the potential risk of the materials being handled.
  • Biological safety cabinets provide containment by directing the inward flow of air through filters, preventing the escape of hazardous materials into the surrounding environment.

Laminar Flow (LAF) Cabinets:

  • Laminar flow cabinets are designed to create a clean workspace by directing filtered air downward or horizontally to prevent the spread of microbes.
  • Air is passed through filters to remove contaminants and then directed into the workspace in a uniform flow.
  • Laminar flow cabinets are commonly used in laboratories and industrial settings where sterile conditions are required for precise procedures.
  • They can provide either uni-directional (top-to-bottom or side-to-side) or bi-directional laminar airflow patterns.

Both types of cabinets are essential tools for preventing microbial contamination and ensuring the safety of personnel in various laboratory and industrial settings.