There's been a surge of importance in research and development and quality control in a wide range of chemical-related applications.

Whether you require a standardized system in accordance with international standard such as ISO and ASTM or a customized solution, we can offer you the experience and technological know-how to address your most demanding applications, in collaboration with Shimadzu and our other global partners. 

Our laboratory solutions for petrochemicals and chemicals industry cover a variety of applications including bio fuels, dye, pigment, paint, ink, printing, industrial gas, paper, pulp, petroleum refinery, plating, petrochemical, polymer, rubber, resin, plastics, packaging, processed metal products and textile chemicals.

| Chemical / Petrochemical Application Areas |


Plastics, polymer, rubber




Dye, inks


Petrol and fossil fuels




Analysis of Additive Elements, Wear Metals, and Contaminants in Used Lubricating Oil According to ASTM D5185: ICPE-9820

Analysis of lubricants added to engine oils such as those used in automobiles and ships is an effective as well as important way to diagnose the state of the engine and other equipment. According to ASTM International Standard D5185 1), inductively coupled plasma (ICP) atomic emission spectrometry with organic solvent dilution is specified for measurement of additive elements, wear metals and contaminants present in used lubricants.