Thermo Fisher Scientific

Protein Gel Electrophoresis | XCell4 SureLock™ Midi-Cell Electrophoresis System

Invitrogen™ XCell4 SureLock™ Midi-Cell is a midi gel electrophoresis system that allows you to quickly and easily perform simultaneous vertical electrophoresis of 1-4 midi gels. Western Blot series Midi-Cell gel electrophoresis system is made of tough polycarbonate to increase durability and has a specially designed cover to increase user safety. Midi-Cell is designed to effectively and evenly distribute heat and provide high resolution results when using Invitrogen midi gels (8.7 cm x 13.3 cm).

XCell4 SureLock™ Midi-Cell Electrophoresis System

Protein Gel Electrophoresis- Western Blot

The unique design of the Invitrogen™ XCell4 SureLock™ Midi-Cell Electrophoresis System allows you to quickly and easily perform simultaneous vertical electrophoresis of 1-4 midi gels with consistent performance. The XCell4 SureLock™ Midi-Cell is made of robust polycarbonate to increase durability and has a specially designed cover to increase user safety.

General Overview XCell4 SureLock™ Midi-Cell

The XCell4 SureLock™ Midi-Cell Electrophoresis System consists of a Lower Buffer Chamber, two Buffer Cores, Buffer Dam, Displacement Dam and a wired cover.

Electrophoresis of proteins on midi gels in XCell4 SureLock™ Midi-Cell is performed after each Buffer Core is combined with 2 midi gels or a Buffer Core with a midi gel and a Buffer Dam. The Buffer Core/gel assembly is placed in the Lower Buffer Chamber and is closed using a positive locking mechanism that seals the Buffer Core/gel assembly firmly in place and ensures leak-free electrophoresis.

The Buffer Core/gel assembly creates separate upper buffer chambers for each gel and a common lower buffer chamber shared by all gels. The lid is placed onto the Midi-Cell and fits on the Midi-Cell in only one orientation to prevent incorrect connection to the electrodes. The unique design of the XCell4 SureLock Midi-Cell evenly dissipates heat resulting in consistent performance of all gels without the need for any external cooling device. The Buffer Core electrical poles are color-coded for easy, intuitive assembly.

Key Features

  • User-friendly design without any clamps for leak-free electrophoresis
  • Flexibility to perform electrophoresis of 1-4 midi-gels
  • Unique, heat-dissipating design of the XCell4 SureLock Midi-Cell produces consistent results without the need for any cooling device
  • Built-in safety features to enhance user safety
Schematic of Xcell4 SureLock Mid-Cell Electrophoresis chamber


XCell4 SureLock™ Midi-Cell Specifications
Capacity Up to 4 midi gel
Gel Compability Gel Size: 8 x 13cm
Gel Cassette: 10.5 x 13cm
Thickness: 1.0mm
Compatible Gels All Invitrogen precast midi gels, and Invitrogen empty midi gel cassettes
Buffer Chamber Requirement

Upper Chamber: 175 mL (per gel)
Lower Chamber: 700 mL (with 4 gels)

Compatible Power Supplies PowerEase 300, Zoom Dual Power, Owl systems, for other systems such as Hoefer or Bio-Rad use with Novex Power Supply Adapters (Cat. No. ZA10001)
Unit Dimensions 21 x 19 x 16 cm (height with lid on)
Material Polycarbonate
Electrode Wire Platinium
Electrode Limits 600 VDC or 200 Watts
Chemical Resistance Impervious to most alcohols but not compatible with chlorinated hydrocarbons (e.g., chloroform), aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g., toluene, benzene), or acetone.
Catalog Number WR0100

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