Shimadzu Corporation

Nexera Prep Preparative Purification Liquid Chromatography System (HPLC)

To separate multiple components, analysis and fractionation parameters need to be optimized, which requires a lot of work. Shimadzu provides the Method Scouting system that investigates conditions on an analytical level. The Method Scouting system enables efficient method development by fully automating method discovery, where combinations of mobile phases and columns are automatically changed, balanced and evaluated.

In addition, the Preparative Purification HPLC System enables optimization of the fractionation parameters by performing automated simulations using the preliminary results. This reduces the work associated with mobile phase solvent and research conditions that save samples.

Streamline development of Analysis Conditions and Optimization of Preparative Parameters

Using the Nexera™ Prep Preparative HPLC System saves on labor when scaling up from the development of analytical conditions to the conditions for preparative work.

  • Fraction Collector FRC-40
  • Liquid handler
Nexera Prep System


Development of Analytical Conditions (Method Scouting Sistemi)

Method Scouting System


Significantly Reduces the Process of Setting Fractionation Parameters

Simple Parameter Setting by Fraction Simulator

LabSolutions™ software provides simulation functions that reduce the labor involved in investigating conditions for analytical and preparative work.
With the LabSolutions fractionation simulator (patent pending), specify the peak segment in the chromatogram to fractionate, and the system automatically sets the parameters required for fractionation. This reduces the time spent on setting fractionation conditions to about 1/4 the typical expenditure.



Noise Skipping by New Algorithm

When configuring fractionation via automatic peak recognition, noise in the chromatogram is sometimes mistaken for component peaks, resulting in an insufficient number of test tubes for intended collection or improper positioning of collected fractions. With the LabSolutions software Peak Sensitivity Determination function (patent pending), peaks are recognized from the number of data points consecutively exceeding the configured threshold value, to determine whether to fractionate.

Noise skipping by new algorithm


Fraction Purity Checks(LH-40)

A fraction purity check can easily be performed with a single system. Purity checks can be performed without changing the fraction recovery container, so the workload is reduced and throughput is improved.

Results of a purity check:


Preparative Work for Target Components at High Purity Levels and High Concentrations

Significantly Reduces the Processes Involved from Preparative Work to Purification (Free basing Treatment) and Powderization

With traditional preparation methods, the fractionated sample contains mobile phase solvent which leads to inevitable dilution during fractionation, so the fractionated sample must be enriched and desalted. Such procedures complicate the workflow and increase sample loss, labor and costs.
With Shimadzu UFPLC Ultra-Fast Preparative and Purification Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), all work is done online, from preparation to enrichment, purification and recovery. This significantly reduces the labor involved in the preparatory purification process and avoids procedural errors. By using a proprietary trap enrichment purification technology for fractionated target components, traces of components found in mixtures can be recovered at high concentrations and high purity levels. In addition, since highly volatile organic solvents are used to recover target components, the time required for evaporation to dryness can be significantly reduced. While ionic target components are recovered, counter-ions are scavenged by optimization of the solution flowing through it, thereby recovering the target component as a high-purity free base. With these procedures and proprietary Purification Solution™ chromatography software, the entire process, from configuring preparation conditions to recovery of liquid containing target compounds, is easily configurable from the simple and user-friendly software.

Significantly Reduces the Processes Involved from Preparative Work to Purification (Free-basing Treatment) and Powderization


Preparative Work for Non-UV Absorptive Components

With LH-40 and FRC-40 able to perform signal-based logic and collection on up to four signal channels, not having a chromophore is not a limitation. Nexera Prep can use LCMS, RID, and ELSD to detect and/or identify targets for purification.

  • LCMS-2020 (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry)
Preparative LCMS System


Using MS (Mass Spectrometer) Signal Triggers Enables Recovery with no Target Fraction Omissions

It can be difficult to prepare low UV absorptive components using just a UV signal as the trigger, so there is a risk that the fraction will be missed.
By using the MS signal as the trigger, the preparative work can be performed simply, with nothing missed. By specifying the m/z of the target component, fractions can be collected with confidence. The LCMS-2020 mass spectrometer enables high-sensitivity and high-resolution detection for preparative work with no target components omitted.

UV Detection Chromatogram /  MS Detection Chromatogram


High Separation via Preparative Recycling

By repeatedly cycling the sample through the column, the target component can be resolved and recovered from coeluting species or impurities without the need for longer or multiple columns.

Recycling Preparative System


What is the recycling separation method?

Long preparative columns are expensive, as such there is a need to use comparatively lower cost short columns effectively.
In the recycling separation method (closed valve recycling), the eluate liquid containing the target components that has eluted from the separation column is recycled into the column, enabling an equivalent separation capacity to that of a longer column.

Flow Lines for the Recycling Preparative System


Excellent System Expandability

The solvent delivery unit and fraction collector can be selected to suit the recovery volume.
Additionally, the Shim-pack™ Scepter features excellent scalability from analysis to preparative work, and the preparation of a variety of components is supported by an ample lineup.

Multi Fraction Collector System

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